Software Services

For many organizations, especially those having made the leap into the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) arena, accumulated software expenditures represent the lion’s share of the annual information technology budget.

Standard desktop productivity applications aside, an organization that has made (or is going to make) the substantial investment in an ERP platform has many aspects to consider when addressing the care and feeding of such a temperamental animal…here are just a few:

  • Capacity Requirements

  •  Disaster Recovery

  •  Security Policy

  •  Hardware Performance

  •  Network Performance

  •  Deployment Strategy

These aspects don’t even begin to address other issues such as customization of the application, custom reporting requirements, and other data analysis needs. We specialize in tearing apart (not literally) software platforms to learn just how they tick to give you a deeper insight into the product in which you have committed such a large investment, and to help you get more out of that investment. Whether you currently utilize an ERP or other large scale software platform or you utilize more mainstream productivity applications, you need a partner who can help you stay on top of the game. DISI can help.

The foundation of your productivity or business software is your network operating systems. Any number of issues can cause a failure with your information technology environment. Even worse, an operating system issue, especially one left unidentified, can turn into a major calamity, shutting down operations. DISI has the knowledge and expertise to help you eliminate the worry. We provide system administration services to monitor the overall health of your network hardware and operating systems and provide corrective action before a problem exists.